By Sajeeb Sarker
Writer`s Block
Media School February 18, 2021

Temporary creative slowdown is not a big deal. Image:
Writer's block is a condition when a writer, or an author, gets stuck at some point and cannot go on with writing or producing new works. This condition is necessarily not something permanent rather a temporary creative slowdown. But it can last from hours to years.
Writer's block may have several causes including adverse circumstances in a writer's life or career, physical illness, depression, financial difficulties, running out of inspiration or ideas, or a sense of failure.
It rarely requires any formal treatment or medication to overcome this block or stall. In most cases, time heals it. Measures like group discussions, journals, brainstorming, free writing, list making, and systematic questioning regarding a particular text and engaging with it are often very useful.
In a stall or not, taking a break and giving it time is always a good thing!