Media School

Dhaka    Tuesday, 04 March 2025

By Sajeeb Sarker


Media School October 10, 2020

Mass production of any art makes it a Kitsch by reducing its actual artistic value.

Kitsch is considered to be art or such objects having lower or no aesthetic taste and value. In other words, kitsch contains art, objects, or design of excessive garishness or sentimentality that are considered by some to be of poor taste. As this lack aesthetic taste and value, kitsch is generally closer to popular culture rather than elite or high art.

Kitsch art easily attracts the attention of the common people because this is often very easy to understand as well as perceived as funny or entertaining by the people. In essence, kitsch art is mainly decorative thus does not care about true artistic merit.

Kitsch is often humorous and ironic in nature while possessing appetizing, pleasant and romantic themes and visuals for majority of the people.

Kitsch is a loanword from German.