By Sajeeb Sarker
Hegemony: Characteristics of a Hegemonic Situation
Media School August 9, 2020

Symbolic image
Hegemony refers to a situation where a dominant state, or regime, takes control over a weaker one. And for this to happen, according to international relations theory, hegemony denotes a situation where the dominant one possesses the following characteristics:
- great material asymmetry in its favor, that has
- enough military power to systematically defeat any potential contester in the system,
- controls the access to raw materials, natural resources, capital and markets,
- has competitive advantages in the production of value added goods,
- generates an accepted ideology reflecting this status quo; and
- is functionally differentiated from other states in the system, being expected to provide certain public goods such as security, or commercial and financial stability
Schenoni, Luis (2018). The Argentina-Brazil Regional Power Transition. Foreign Policy Analysis 14(4). p. 473.