Media School

Dhaka    Tuesday, 04 March 2025

By Sajeeb Sarker

Emotional Intelligence (EI): what doest it mean?

Media School February 25, 2024

Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be described as the ability to identity, understand and utilize the emotions of self and others.

To explain in other words: an emotionally intelligent person has the ability to identify and manage their emotions and express them positively, or in ways that are respectful and helpful to others.

It requires certain interpersonal and social skills to become emotionally intelligent. The ability to understand the emotions of people around and respond with supportive and encouraging feedback is very important.

Understanding your own emotions and those of others around you can help you better relate to others in personal, professional or any other social context.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is also referred to as Emotional Quotient (EQ).